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Mackenzie River is so low, the Coast Guard can’t reach most of it

Mackenzie River is so low, the Coast Guard can’t reach most of it

The Canadian Coast Guard says water levels on the Mackenzie River are so low that its vessels will be sent elsewhere – and anyone on the river should “use extreme caution.”

That warning, issued in a Thursday news release, applies to a vast stretch between the start of the Mackenzie River off Great Slave Lake and the Aklavik Channel in the Beaufort Delta.

“Due to the current conditions, the Canadian Coast Guard’s level of service, such as providing on-the-water response and maintaining aids to navigation, is impacted,” the news release stated.

The Canadian Coast Guard has two Hay River-based ships, CCGS Eckaloo and CCGS Dumit, which are both specially designed to access shallow areas of the river so navigational buoys can be serviced.

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