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Oceans North to design Canadian zero-emission research vessel

Oceans North to design Canadian zero-emission research vessel

HALIFAX—In a significant step towards sustainable marine research and zero-emission ship design, Oceans North, in partnership with Miawpukek Horizon Maritime Services, Allswater, and MEOPAR, recently announced that it has received project funding from the Government of Canada to design a state-of-the-art, multi-use, zero-emission ocean research vessel.

This project will provide the conceptual design for a new Canadian ocean research vessel and assess the feasibility of zero-emission propulsion technologies, setting a new standard for deep ocean and remote area research in Canadian waters.

The design will consider the combination of zero-emission fuels with battery technologies that will allow the vessel to operate in “ultra-silent” mode, significantly reducing underwater noise when entering sensitive ocean ecosystems. In addition, the project will develop and utilize new versatile, modular research infrastructure that will allow the vessel to support a wide range of oceanographic and commercial activities, ensuring Canada can operate at the forefront of Arctic and marine research for the next 50 years.

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