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  • CMISA posted an article
    Now, it is on the cusp of a technology breakthrough see more

    The Membertou First Nation, along with three Canadian partners, has been developing the zero-emission vessel since December 2023

    Sydney, Nova Scotia is the province’s northernmost port, situated on the rocky shores of eastern Cape Breton Island.

    Its harbour buzzes with marine activity: small boats mix with the daily ferry to and from Channel-Port aux Basques, Newfoundland; visiting cruise ships drop in; and, of course, in the local lobster season, countless fishing vessels traffic the docks and surrounding waters.

    Nova Scotia’s lobster fishery brings more than $1 billion each year. (Nearly 40 per cent of that is caught off Cape Breton.) With all that activity, the provincial industry generates 82 million kilograms of CO2 emissions annually — roughly equivalent to 20,000 cars driven for one year.

    The Membertou First Nation, located in Sydney, operates a licensed licensed fishery.

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     January 10, 2025
  • CMISA posted an article
    The first ship is scheduled for delivery in 2029 and commissioning in 2030 see more

    The three ferries must be identical to reduce maintenance costs and facilitate the movement of labor to operate the vessels.

    New boats must allow for STQ Reducing its annual fleet operating budget by $3 million.

    Electric vessels are a proven technology in Europe, according to Greta Bédard, interim president and CEO of the Société des traversiers.

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     January 30, 2023