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  • CMISA posted an article
    Canada is very close to being in dire peril see more

    This paper outlines the NAC's assessment of Canada's current situation and offers a clear-eyed evaluation of  what is required to chart a more prudent course. The proposed actions are not merely band-aid solutions, they are consequential. Defence funding must continue to expand but, beyond that common panacea, real reforms as well as tangible rebalancing in favour of core priorities must be considered. 

    View Paper Here

  • CMISA posted an article
    Unmanned technology ranging in size from a bumblebee to the size of a submarine see more

    An article that briefly discusses examples of unmanned systems in the maritime arena and point out the challenges and concerns inherent in the employment of these systems. The changes are occurring so rapidly that this article can only provide a snapshot of what is happening in the development and use of these systems. Note that the article will generally focus on the Atlantic/Western arena and not on developments by China. It will not focus on Canada – if you are interested in what the Royal Canadian Navy is doing with regard to these systems, please see NAC Briefing Note #17.

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     November 30, 2022