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    A groundbreaking new study by Clear Seas see more

    Canadian Maritime Industry Aligns with UN Sustainable Development Goals

    A groundbreaking new study by Clear Seas, in collaboration with Green Marine and the Association of Canadian Port Authorities (ACPA), has mapped the sustainability initiatives of the Canadian maritime industry against the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).

    The research, titled "Mapping Canadian Maritime Industry Initiatives to UN Sustainable Development Goals," provides a clear overview of how the 17 UN SDGs are being applied in the maritime sector and identifies those SDGs most relevant to maritime sustainability initiatives.

    Key Findings:

    • Significant Alignment: Eight UN SDGs, including those focused on environmental protection, health, and economic growth, are most relevant to the maritime industry.
    • Green Marine's Contribution: Green Marine's certification program contributes to 11 out of the 17 UN SDGs, demonstrating its effectiveness in driving sustainability initiatives.
    • Global Sustainability Framework: The UN SDGs represent a global framework that can guide Canada's ports in further developing sustainability frameworks and approaches.

    Extensive SDG Adoption: Over two-thirds of Canadian maritime companies reference the SDGs in their sustainability reporting.

    Read the Report Here

    Read the Full Press Release Here

     September 12, 2024