The NATO Communication and Information (NCI) Agency is transitioning to the new NCI Agency online eProcurement tool – Neo, in order to facilitate the operationalization of the 2019 BOA Procedure revision. As such, the NCIA is kindly requesting all the companies within the Alliance nations which have an existing BOA with NCIA to apply for the new BOA. To apply for the new BOA, the Canadian companies first need to register in Neo via the NCI Agency website, following the procedures indicated in the following link:
The Canadian companies that already hold a BOA have until 30 June 2023 to register in Neo and submit their new BOA application. Provided these conditions are met, the existing BOA for all Canadian companies will remain valid until the new BOA is signed. The current BOA Holders who do not apply for the new BOA will have their BOAs de-activated, but can re-apply for the BOA Programme at any time as per the general procedures. The terms and conditions applicable to the BOAs can be found under the BOA section of the NCI Agency’s website.